Australia’s Top Charities 2022

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference in the world, there are many great charities out there. But which one is best? To help you make your decision, here’s our list of Australia’s top charities:

Pokiez, Australia

Gambling and charity are two industries that are traditionally at odds. One relies on the happiness of its customers, the other relies on their misfortune. The rise in gambling revenue over the past few years has seen a parallel increase in charitable donations from some of the largest online casinos. Pokiez is one such casino, who support people affected by gambling harm through prevention, early intervention and support services for those who are particularly vulnerable to gambling harm. The Australian casino has recently donated AUD 250,000 as part of its community contribution program.

World Vision Australia

It’s a Christian humanitarian organization that works in many countries. They help people in need and develop communities, by supplying food and clean water as well as medical aid, education for kids and training for adults. 

It was formed in 1952 by Australian Evangelicals who felt there was a need to respond to the suffering of people through their faith. The organization works with societies to help them develop into healthy environments where they can thrive without fear or hunger or suffering from any disease or illness at all!

Australian Red Cross

Australian Red Cross (ARC) is a humanitarian organization with a mission to help people in need. ARC provides disaster relief, health care, and other support services for those affected by disasters or illness.

The ARC provides emergency assistance to help people recover from natural disasters such as floods, bushfires and cyclones which can result in death or injury; incapacity due to injury or illness; displacement from their homes and loss of property; loss of employment opportunities during recovery times; financial hardship caused by these events as well as psychological stress associated with these events.

Oxfam Australia

Oxfam Australia works to end poverty and fight inequality, by providing food aid, health care and education in developing nations.

Oxfam Australia is a non-profit organization that uses donations from people across the country to help people who are suffering from poverty or injustice. They also provide support for victims of natural disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes.

Oxfam’s mission is “to end extreme global poverty” by 2030.

The Fred Hollows Foundation

The Fred Hollows Foundation is a medical charity that provides eye care to people in developing countries who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access it. They also provide training for others who want to become ophthalmologists and teach them how they can start their own programs.

They have a number of initiatives:

  • The Vision Programme, which trains doctors and other health workers on how best to treat patients with vision problems so they don’t have to rely on donors or foreign aid groups alone; this includes more than 200 clinics in Indonesia, Malawi, Nepal and South Sudan where there are no hospitals available nearby due to natural disasters like earthquakes or civil war (which means sometimes being unable even just get close enough). It’s estimated that up until recently only about half these clinics had even been built yet.

UNICEF Australia

It’s a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of children and their families in Australia. UNICEF’s mission is to improve the lives of children by working with societies, governments and other partners; providing relief assistance; advocating for change; educating people about child protection issues through programmes such as our annual Walk4Peace event.


If you haven’t chosen a charity to support – why not try one of these?

  • You can choose a charity that you are passionate about. This could be because it’s an issue close to your heart or because you have had personal experience with the cause and want to help in some way.
  • You can also choose a charity that has been recommended by friends or family members, or even just someone at work who knows more than you do about what they’re doing and how much good it does for other people’s lives.
  • Finally – and most importantly – if there isn’t anything going on where I live but there is somewhere else nearby where someone needs help (or vice versa) then I’m happy for them.

As we stated before, your choice of charity will be based on personal preference. If you’re looking for something new and exciting, then perhaps we’ve missed a few options that might fit your needs. Whatever your reason for choosing one charity over another – remember that if at all possible – you should always donate to multiple charities in order to benefit more people.